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Then there are the film directors (Bu?uel and Zeffirelli) and the actors (Laurence Olivier, Merle Oberon, Raph Fiennes, Susannah York, Juliette Binoche). 然后是电影导演(布努埃尔和泽弗瑞里)和演员(劳伦斯·奥利维尔、梅尔·奥勃朗、拉尔夫·费因斯、苏珊娜·约克、朱利叶·比诺什)。 - 2
Laurence Olivier is to date the only actor to have won an Oscar for a Shakespearean performance, and it was the most difficult of all, Hamlet. 而劳伦斯·奥利弗则是迄今为止唯一一位因为饰演莎翁笔下角色而赢得奥斯卡的演员,而且他演绎的是最难的一个角色-哈姆雷特。 - 3
In 1956, at the height of her popularity, Monroe went to England to make a film, the Prince and the Showgirl, with Sir Laurence Olivier. 1956年,在她事业的顶峰时期,梦露去英国与劳伦斯·奥利佛出演影片《游龙戏凤》。