...如何使用收集的IAQ管理数据 关注BOMA中国官方微信,第一时间获取更多活动与行业讯息 ? 国际建筑业主与管理者协会( BOMA ) BOMA(Building Owners and Managers Association)是国际建筑业主与管理者协会的简称。
?协会(Building Owners And Managers Association)
...ns Association), IFMA (International Facilities Management Association), BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association), as well as, local Chamber of Commerce groups.
...和讯房产消息 2012年1月12日,远洋大厦物业管理团队获得了国际建筑业主与管理者协会中国分会(BOMA中国)颁发的国际商业地产运营管理卓越认证(COE),这标志着远洋大厦是中国首家获得国际商业地产运营管理认证的大厦,也第一次向国...
Meanwhile, Mr. Schilling is planning another expedition to Boma in search of more coffee secrets.
WSJ: The Indiana Jones of Coffee
Mr. Schilling's recent destination the Boma plateau seemed an unlikely place to find wild coffee.
Designer Boma Inko-Tariah, from fashion house Beldie's La Mode, created a fascinator crafted from recycled paper, broken compact discs and a tin can.
CNN: Green is this season's color at Nigeria Fashion Week
Borrowing from Swahili boma ?(“enclosure, fortified outpost”).