释义 |
积压的需求 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?受注残 ... backlog of cases 案件积压 backlog of demand 受注残 backlog of orders 待付定货; 已接受订货总数 ...
- 1
Demand for credit derivatives overwhelmed the existing, largely manual, dealer and market infrastructure, leading to a large backlog of unconfirmed trades. 对信用衍生品的需求,让人工处理为主的现有交易商和市场基础设施应接不暇,导致未经确认的交易大量积压。 - 2
The stock of existing homes, relative to monthly demand, remains high and the backlog of new homes is rising. 成屋存量相对于月度需求来说,仍然处在高位水平,而且滞销新屋的数量也在增长。 - 3
Before, Demand usually served up tens of thousands of assignments per day: one day last year, it had a backlog of 150, 000 available assignments for writers, editors and videographers. 以前,按需媒体通常每天发布成千上万个任务:去年每一天,它都有15万个任务可派给写手、编辑和视频制作人员。