... occupancy costs 房屋占用成本 odd pricing 奇/余数定价法 off-invoice discounts 发票之外的折扣 ...
... odd lot 零数;零星交易;零星股;碎股 odd pricing 奇数定价法 off-the-job training 职外训练 ...
... occupancy expense占用费用 odd pricing奇零定价法 off-balance-sheet activities帐外业务活动 ...
零头定价法 ; 奇偶定价 ; 奇数 ; 整数定价
This is made worse by an odd pricing system, under which firms charge a fixed amount, instead of billing their customers by the hour.
ECONOMIST: Software in Japan
That may sound odd, given what the stock has done since, but I think it indicates one of the dangers of pricing stocks.
FORBES: Facebook's IPO: Thoughts On Momentum, Pricing And Valuation (It's Still No Buy)