... 维吾尔语Uygur 乌孜别克语Ozbek 西部裕固语Yugur ...
沃兹别克 ; 沃兹贝克 ; 拉法特·奥兹别克 ; 奥兹贝克
厄兹贝克 ; 奥斯碧
The arches are painted with wide stripes in hot, spicy colors that Ozbek describes as a circus stripe.
WSJ: Like Home, Only Better
Ozbek was given free rein downstairs which is rare in the Birley world and the result is a singular vision of madcap originality.
So were Rifat Ozbek, Hamish Bowles, Victoria Fernandez and, eventually, John Galliano.
WSJ: The Ecstasy of Influence | Innovator of the Year 2012 Design