... 外交关系公约 convention on diplomatic relations 维也纳领事关系公约 vienna convention on consular relations 外交关系 diplomatic relations 外交关系升格 upgrade diplomatic relations; 断绝外交关系 sever diplomatic relations; 恢复外交关系 resume diplomatic relations; 建立外交关系 establishment of diplomatic relations; 建立大使级的外交关系 establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level; 中断外交关系 suspend diplomatic relations ...
James Thessin, the chief U.S. agent to the court, admitted that Arizona authorities violated the ViennaConventiononConsularRelations by failing to inform the LaGrands upon arrest on January 7, 1982, of their right to assistance from the German consulate.
CNN: U.S. accuses Germany of undermining death penalty