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您要找的是不是: pradon. 上流社会散步场;高级住宅区的林荫大... - 1
So, that's cosine theta d theta. And, well, if you do things with substitution, which is the way I do them, then you should worry about /2 the bounds for theta which will be zero to pi over two. 所以dx=cos,θdθ,如果用变量替换法来做,接下来就要考虑θ的取值范围,它是从0取到π - 2
PI : We did and still do have ISU seminars where they explain the most recent rules and changes to old rules, as well as what to look for while judging. PI:我们以前就有国际滑联研讨会的传统,现在也有。 在研讨会上,国际滑联会解释最新规则和他们与老规则之间的变化,也会告诉大家在评判的时候需要关注哪些问题。 - 3
We do know, archaeologically, that the fortified city of Pi-Ramses, very much like Pithom Ramses, was rebuilt in the early thirteenth century on the site of the old Hyksos capital. 从考古学中我们知道,要塞Pi - Ramses城,和Pithom, Ramses很像,是建于十三世纪早期,位于希克·索斯首都的旧址。