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Under the plan, every family would receive a direct refundable tax credit for $2, 500 for individuals and $5, 000 for families. 根据他的方案,每个家庭可以直接得到每人2500美元或者每个家庭5000美元的可偿付的税收抵免(refundable tax credit。 refundable 的意思是允许税收抵免的金额超过所缴纳的税金,即纳税人可以增加实际收入。 - 2
Third, he proposes a new, refundable tax credit that will increase health-care coverage, reduce the cost of health care, and provide more funds for families and individuals to purchase health care. 第三,他提议一种新的可偿还的税收优惠以增加医疗保障的覆盖面,降低医保成本,并且提供更多的资金供家庭和个人购买医疗保障。 - 3
And during the first ten years, according to the CBO's analysis, the number of people enjoying health-care coverage should increase, thanks to the refundable health-care tax credit. 由于推行可退还的健康保险税收优惠,根据CBO的分析,在第一个10年里,享受健康保险的居民数量将会增加。