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1 ?纽约郡 ...划分的话,市下又分五个郡(和五个区的边界分别相同),这点和美国其他地方(郡大于市)的情况不同: 纽约郡(New York County)——曼哈顿区(Manhattan) 曼哈顿(Manhattan)是纽约市的象.. 2 ?曼哈顿 纽约市由五个 行政区组成,分别是曼哈顿(New York County),布鲁克林(Kings County),昆士(Queens County),布鲁克斯(Bronx County)和斯塔滕岛(Staten Island),土地面积共790平方... 3 ?情况不同 ...划分的话,市下又分五个郡(和五个区的边界分别相同),这点和美国其他地方(郡大于市)的情况不同: 纽约郡(New York County)——曼哈顿区(Manhattan) 曼哈顿(Manhattan)是纽约市的象..
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He and his wife, Jennifer, have a place in New York city but spend much of their time in quiet Ulster County, N.Y., 90 miles north of the city. 他和妻子珍妮弗在纽约有个住所,但大多数时候,他们都居住在安静的纽约州阿尔斯特郡,距离纽约市以北90英里。 - 2
Among the largest and most active were the New York affiliates of AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. 最大最活跃的要数美国州、郡、市员工联合会纽约分会。 - 3
In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said again this week that the 40-year-old Indian Point nuclear power plant in Westchester County, 35 miles north of New York City, should be closed. 在纽约,州长安德鲁·科莫这个礼拜再次提起,位于纽约城35英里以北,威彻斯特郡的40年的印点(Indian Point)核电站应该关闭。