释义 |
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经济学 政府行为 Therefore, the realization of market-access system is an act of government and also is an administrative license system. 因此,实行食品质量安全市场准入制度是一种政府行为,是一项行政许可制度。
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Company registered act of government organization is a specific and concrete administrative action. - 2
Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C.. 1800年4月24日,国会通过法案,规定将美国政府迁移到新的联邦城市华盛顿特区。 - 3
A government study recommended a national highway system of 33,920 miles, and Congress passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944, which called for strict, centrally-controlled design criteria. 一项政府研究建议建设一个33,920英里的全国公路系统,国会通过了1944年的《联邦援助公路法案》,该法案要求制定严格的、集中管控的设计标准。