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Other alternative input devices include single switch devices, devices that track head movements, and alternative keyboards for persons with mobility impairments. 其它可选择的设备包括单一切换设备、跟踪头部移动的设备,和用于行动困难的人可选择的键盘。 - 2
"For the average persons in the modern world, the dip in mental health and happiness comes on slowly, not suddenly in a single year," Oswald said. 奥斯瓦尔德说:“对于现代社会的人们来说,中年的低谷是慢慢到来的,并不是某一年突然发生的。” - 3
The second one is a larger sample from a Microsoft WCF interoperability test, consisting of a single structure repeated with minor variations in values (" persons, "202 KB). 第二个测试用例是来自Microsoft WCF可互操作性测试的一个较大的示例,由单个重复的结构组成,并且在取值上有一些细微的变化(“persons”文档,202 KB)。