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相反的婚姻 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?异性婚姻 ... 出生者(Birther) 异性婚姻(Opposite Marriage) 死亡之夏(Summer of Death) ...
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If the case now goes directly to the state's highest court, there will either be a full judicial endorsement of gay marriage, which Mr Bloomberg would endorse, or (more likely) the opposite. 如果这一案件现在直接上诉到州最高法院,将会出现要么是像Mr Bloomberg认为的给同性恋婚姻一个完全的司法认可,要么就是相反(这一种可能性更大)。 - 2
On the other hand, if you're not depressed, marriage could have the opposite effect, Frech said. 如果你原本就很快乐,那么婚姻对你的影响不会像抑郁症患者那么明显。” 不过弗雷希说,对没有抑郁症的人来说,婚姻可能会导致相反的结果。 - 3
While some research shows that marriage is good for well-being, there are many ways in which it can have the opposite effect. 一些调查表示婚姻对富有的家庭有好处,然而在很多方面富有回带来相反的效果。