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1 [计]?嵌套程序 ... nested procedure structure 嵌套程序结构 nested procedure 嵌套程序 nested record variant 嵌套记录变体 ... 2 [计]?嵌套过程 ... 进程通信, 过程通信 process communication 嵌套过程, 嵌套进程 nested procedure 多过程控制, 多进程控制 multiprocess control ...
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For example, if you have a nested procedure calling another six DB2 stored procedures to Get Best Rate Quote, you can use a token name GBQR for all seven DB2 stored procedures. 例如,如果有一个嵌套过程,而该过程又调用另外6个DB 2存储过程来获取最佳实现,那么可以对这7个DB 2存储过程使用标记名gbqr。 - 2
Procedure calls can be nested or recursive, but the scope of a savepoint is restricted to the execution of the stored procedure in which it is defined. 过程调用可以是嵌套的或递归的,但是保存点的范围被限制为定义它的存储过程的执行。 - 3
Well, you can read through all the procedure code, following the nested calls and hope the problem just jumps out at you. 您可以通读所有的过程代码,追踪嵌套调用,并希望就此发现问题。