释义 |
pantheon 英/ ?p?nθi?n / 美/ ?p?nθiɑ?n / 1 ?万神殿 万神殿(Pantheon):战场地区最重要的古迹是万神殿,它是唯一保存完整的罗马帝国时期的建筑物,经历了十八个世纪的沧桑后,铜门和拱门屋顶完整如初。 2 ?众神 ... panorama n.全景,概观 pantheon n.万神殿,众神 pantomime n.哑剧 ... 3 ?先贤祠 法国有先贤祠(le Pantheon),位于巴黎市中心赛纳河左岸,恢宏壮丽,是法兰西民族的圣殿,思想者伏尔泰、卢梭;大文豪雨果、左拉、大仲马;科学家居里夫人等法兰西...
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What's different about having one God, from having a pantheon of gods headed by a superior god? 拥有一个神,和拥有一个由更卓越的神领导的万神殿有什么不同? - 2
Removing him from the pantheon of English literature would make about as much sense as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa. 将他移出英国文学的名人堂就等同于卢浮宫卖掉《蒙娜丽莎》一样,意义重大。 - 3
Well, we'll just add those into our pantheon of gods too.
1pan-,全部,所有,-the,神,词源同theism,atheist.即众神所在之地,众神之庙,引申词义先贤祠。 |