有时我们工作学习非常紧张,于是我们会没合眼睡觉(not bat an eyelid),面对危险你也是not bat an eyelid则表明你对事情泰然自若。
... not bat an eyelid 对事情泰然自若 hang on by the eyelids 事情危在旦夕 face the music 不得不接受惩罚承担后果必须承受出现的局面 ...
... not at home 不在家 not bat an eyelid v. 不眨眼, 泰然处之 not be able to see a wink 什么都看不见 一点光线都没有 ...
... 不动声色 = maintain one's composure 不动声色 = not bat an eyelid 不动声色 = not turn a hair ...
不露声色 ; 全然不流露感情
Most Turkish women subtly drape themselves with their cloth when they are not actually bathing, but if you prefer to bask nude, no one will bat much of an eyelid.
BBC: A guide to Istanbul??s bath houses
keep face