释义 |
1 ?消息熵 ... melting entropy熔化熵 message entropy消息熵 internal entropy内熵,内部平均信息量... 2 [数]?消息的熵 ... mesokurtosis 常峰态 message entropy 消息的熵 metabelian group 亚交换群 ...
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Using fuzzy aggregation theory and rough set theory, this article puts out a weight allocation method based on impersonal message entropy. 借助模糊聚类技术和粗糙集理论提出了一个基于客观信息熵的多因素权重分配方法。 - 2
Firstly, the best wavelet basis selection was conducted via message entropy function; then the gas load was decomposed to low frequency signal and high frequency signal by two times through it. 首先用信息熵函数最小选择最优小波基,然后用其对燃气负荷进行二层分解得到负荷的低频信号和高频信号。 - 3
The Shannon entropy of a message is the number of binary digits, or bits, needed to encode it. 一个讯息中的夏侬熵就是将此讯息编码所需的位元数目。