释义 |
压盘 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Then press the flattened, and then lathe processing waterline, chamfering process, finally with indexing disc with a drilling machine processing of bolt hole drilling. 再用压力机将其压平,再用车床进行加工水线、倒角等工艺,最后是用分度盘配合钻孔机进行螺栓孔的打孔的加工。 - 2
Quick turn around key press, bad people will begin to jog at this time, the player can be found in the top left picture disc, pointer began a clockwise dir. 快速交替按下方向键左右,小人就会开始跑步,此时,玩家可以发现画面左上方的圆盘中,指针开始顺时针方向运动。 - 3
According to the company's press release, the service will be available through a number of select connected Blu-ray Disc players and HDTVs, as well as on PCs by way of CinemaNow. 百思买称,公司将通过几款连网的蓝光播放器、高清电视提供在线视频服务,另外,用户还可以通过电脑在CinemaNow上租赁和购买影碟。