释义 |
大量的蔬菜 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?堆藏蔬菜 ... assorted vegetable什锦蔬菜 bulk vegetables 堆藏蔬菜, 粗菜, 普通蔬菜 chilled vegetables 冷藏蔬菜 ...
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High in protein and low in fat (buy low-fat or skimmed milk varieties), cottage cheese will help you to bulk up without expanding your waistline. Try it mixed with fruits, vegetables or meat. 高蛋白质低脂肪(买低脂的或被忽略的牛奶种类),村舍奶酪有助于你增加肌肉而不会扩大你的腰围。可以尝试着把它和水果,蔬菜或肉混合。 - 2
Our store sells fruit and vegetables in bulk. - 3
Hello, this time for the bulk of fish leaping from Jiangxi dry stock, fish is in a stream of water. I had boiled the vegetables cooked with red pepper, very good to eat! 这段时间用以喂这只小猫的大头鱼是来自江西的干货,是小溪水里野生的鱼,以前被我用红辣椒做水煮菜,挺好吃的!