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默西河,河 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The whole wonderful thing did happen, a long time ago, on the Mersey, on the Elbe, by the Thames and the Hudson River. 整个美妙的事情真的发生了,很久很久以前,在梅西船坞,在易北河,在泰晤士河和哈得逊河边。 - 2
In his teens, together they skip class to drink of the river Mersey the ferry cider, dreams of traveling the world. 少年时代,他们一起跷课去Mersey河的渡轮上喝苹果酒,梦想着周游世界。 - 3
A borough of northwest England on the Mersey River south of Manchester. Chartered in 1220, it produces textiles and machinery. Population, 291,000. 英格兰西北部城市,位于曼彻斯特以南的默西河畔该城于1220年获特许为自治市,生产纺织品和机械。人口291,000。