释义 |
火星黑色 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?玛斯黑 ... maroon暗红 mars black玛斯黑 mars violet玛斯紫 ... 2 ?马尔斯黑 MARS-AMathematics Anxiety Rating Scale-Adolescents 青少年(对)数学焦虑等级量表 Mars black马尔斯黑(渗透力强, 快干, 覆盖力强, 质地粗糙, 宜于厚涂) Mars probe火星探测器 ..
- 1
If you lined up the 1.5tn pound coins that were reported to have been wiped off the global markets on one single black Friday, they would get you from here to Mars. 据说在某个黑色星期五全球金融市场就损失了1.5万亿英镑,如果将价值1.5万亿英镑的一英镑硬币连成一线,那可以从地球这旮沓连到火星那旮沓了。 - 2
The sidewalks were full of dogshit in brilliant colors: ocher, umber, Mars yellow, sienna, viridian, ivory black, rose madder. 人行道是满是五彩纷呈的狗屎:土黄,土棕,铁黄,深赭,铬绿,象牙黑,玫瑰红。 - 3
No more background radiation black holes or Mars robots.