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您要找的是不是: TCBabbr. 照顾事业(taking care of busines... 1 ?长期信用银行 年经济奇迹结束,日本大银行坏账惊人,光是日本长期信用银行(LTCB)一家就高达亿美元,但日本大藏省、银行和企业却自欺又欺人,掩盖账目. 2 ?软管连接器 ...地传奇3g,超变传奇换人,超变传奇玲珑水晶 1.90超变传奇?天地传奇3g,超变传奇换人,超变传奇玲珑水晶 天地传奇3g软管连接器(LTCB系列).. 3 ?长期信贷银行 就在此时,日本长期信贷银行(Long Term Credit Bank of Japan,LTCB)进入了他得视野。 4 ?日本长期信用银行 新生银行Shinsei Bank_新生银行Shinsei Bank怎么样_新生银行Shinsei Bank官网,首页,电话,信用卡,注册登录信息_一起吧购物网 CB)破产,最终获“国家拯救”,由外国私募股权基金接盘。 新生银行(Shinsei Bank)的前身就是日本长期信贷银行(Long Term Credit Bank of Japan,LTCB)。1998年,深陷不良贷款泥潭的日本长期信贷银行被收归国有。不过,日本其它金融机构拒绝接手该行,原因
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The LDP still insists that the LTCB is too big, and too exposed internationally, to fail. CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia - 2.
Opposition leaders oppose that idea, arguing that LTCB instead ought to be temporarily nationalized and, if necessary, shut down. CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia - 3.
The LTCB is a case in point: despite rumors of the bank's imminent collapse, the government so far has not publicized the scope of the bank's problems. CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia