释义 |
loudness 英/ ?la?dn?s / 美/ ?la?dn?s / - 1
机械工程 响度 The system can issue a pure tone, tone twitter, narrowband noise and natural sound of the voice signal, and can adjust the loudness and frequency of the signals with some accuracy. 该系统能发出纯音、啭音、窄带噪声和自然声等声音信号,并可对信号进行一定精度的响度和频率调节。
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交通运输工程 响度 The results show that the time-frequency and filtering analysis have a good effect on the noise identification. Generally speaking, sound with low psychoacoustic parameter value such as loudness or sharpness is much more acceptable. 结果表明,时频域分析和滤波分析对识别关键噪声有很好作用;而一般情况下,主观偏好性与响度、尖锐度等心理声学参数值成反比。
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语言学 音量 Then, according to the same feature of paralanguage, the author analyzes it from four aspects: physiological voice qualities (voice quality, pitch); prosodic features (length, loudness, stress, speed and intonation); voice alternants (pause and silence); and differentiators (laugh). 然后,根据副语言特征的共同点,本文从四个方面对副语言进行了分析:生理音质区分(包括音质和音调);发音韵律特征(包括音长、音量、重音、音速和语调);语音替代码(包括停顿和沉默);功能性发音(包括特点和笑声)。
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The algorithm can also prevent error propagation and adapt to speech with various loudnesses. 算法也考虑了错误扩散的防止和对不同响度水平语音的自适应等问题。