释义 |
1 ?毛发管型 ... 甲胬肉pterygium unguis 毛发管型hair cast 小棘状毛壅症trichostasis spinulosa ... 2 ?管型毛发 【摘要】: 正 以往认为,管型毛发(Hair Cast)是一种少见和遗传性疾病,临床发病颇具特征,其发病原因尚不清楚。1987年6月作者在头癣普查中发现,本病在小学生中较多见。 3 ?毛粪石 ... 植物粪石 phytobezoar 毛粪石 Bezoar ; hairball ; tricholith ; hair cast 植物毛粪石 phytotrichobezoar ...
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The network blamed it on Russell's hair, not the move to Sundays, and required the rest of the cast not to cut their hair. 电视台则责怪是因为她的头发的原因,而不是改到周日的原因,还要求剧组其他的演员不能剪头发。 - 2
The child was standing with his back to the sun, which cast threads of gold in his hair and empurpled with its blood-red gleam the savage face of Jean Valjean. 那孩子背朝太阳,日光把他的头发照成缕缕金丝,用血红的光把冉阿让的凶悍的脸照成紫色。 - 3
After the cast iron scraping inquiry platform to promote a crossed table, workpiece is smooth, no hair acerbity feeling, convenient the measurement, and to ensure the measurement accuracy. 在经过刮研的铸铁划线平台上推动表座、工件比较顺畅,无发涩感觉,方便了测量,保证了测量准确度。