释义 |
- 颞中回:大脑颞叶的一个结构,位于上颞回和下颞回之间,参与语言处理和视觉识别等功能。
1 [解剖]?颞中回 ...侧功能研究 缘上回(supramarginal gyrus), 后者主要激活左侧个体差异模式遵循的是人格取向, 倾向于颞中回(middle temporal gyrus), 并认为这两个区将创造力视为一种人格特质。 2 ?左侧颞中回 ...Gyrus,BA10);双侧额中回(Midddle Frontal Gyrus,BA9);双侧枕叶(Middle OccipitalGyrus,BA18);左侧颞中回(Middle Temporal Gyrus);左侧中央前回(Precentral Gyrus,BA6);右侧中央旁小叶(Paracentral Lobule)以及右侧楔前叶(Precuneus)和额上回(Superior Frontal...
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Results The right middle temporal gyrus and right superior temporal gyrus were more activated by Chinese task than English one. 结果与“英语”声音相比,“汉语”声音引起显著激活的脑区为右颞中回和右颞上回。 - 2
The results showed that Sensory's areas were located at middle temporal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus. - 3
The left middle temporal gyrus is associated with "reading" social cues, while the third - the right entorhinal complex - is thought to be important in memory and navigation. 左中部的颞回与“解读”社会线索有关,而第三个区域 ——右侧的嗅觉综合体系,被认为在记忆和辨别方向中有重要作用。