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莫里森,罗伯特 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
He was an American original, entering the world as Marion Robert Morrison, the first child of a troubled, Iowa couple. 他是地地道道的美国人,是爱荷华州一对烦恼重重的夫妇的头胎,出生的时候被命名为马里恩·罗伯特·莫里森。 - 2
Five years later, his mother renamed him Marion Mitchell Morrison, bestowing Robert on a new baby boy. 五年之后,母亲给他重新起名为马里恩·米切尔·莫里森,把罗伯特这个名字给了他新出生的弟弟。 - 3
By the analysis of its content, organization, characteristics and translation of words, the article points out that the authors of Concise Foreign History were Robert Morrison and his sons. 文章通过对该书的内容、结构、特点与译词的分析,提出《外国史略》是马礼逊父子先后接续完成的一部世界史。