释义 |
- abbr.英国马德拉有限公司(madeira uk ltd);乘法(multiplication)
- n.(Mul)人名;(法)米尔
短语 - 1
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MUL乘法指令 ; 乘法 ; 英国马德拉有限公司 ; 无符号乘法
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The sample Calculator code, Calculator.cs (see the download file), is a C# class with four methods (add, sub, mul, div). 样本 Calculator 代码 Calculator.cs (请参阅下载文件)是一个有 4 个方法(add、sub、mul 和 div)的 C# 类。 - 2
When he was a little boy, he had seen a vision in a pool of ink, a mul- titude of spirits singing in Arabic, "woe unto those that do not believe in us. 他小时候曾目睹过异象,众多精灵在墨水池中用阿拉伯语高唱:“不相信我们的人们呐,你们有祸了!” - 3
The mul function, when called, pops the first two items off the stack and multiplies them, then puts the result on the stack. mul 函数被调用时将把前两个条目推出堆栈并将其相乘,然后把结果放入堆栈中。