释义 |
1 ?桂圆肉 ... flesh-eater肉食性动物 Longan Flesh桂圆肉 flesh-eatinga.1. 食肉性的 ...
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Its raw material composition includes black soybean, Chinese angelica root, mutton and longan flesh. 由上述的主要成分经过专门 工艺制作就可以得到相应的当归黑豆汤。 - 2
An Indian evergreen tree (Euphoria longan) having yellowish - brown drupes with white, juicy, edible flesh. 龙眼一种印度产常绿乔木(龙眼龙眼属),核果为黄褐色,果肉白色、多汁、可食。 - 3
An Indian evergreen tree (Euphoria longan) having yellowish-brown drupes with white, juicy, edible flesh. 龙眼:一种印度产常绿乔木(龙眼龙眼属),核果为黄褐色,果肉白色、多汁、可食。