...S 是 M 所有 S 是 P 在这一推理结构中,S、M、P 是推理结构中的可变构成,其余都是恒定的不变构成 逻辑变项(logical variable) 是在一定逻辑形式中用来表示某种具体思想的符号,这是逻辑形式中可变的内容 逻辑常项(logical constant) 是在一定逻辑形式中表...
The DB2NODE Environment Variable is used to specify the target logical partition that you want to attach to or connect to.
DB 2 NODE环境变量用于指定想要连接到的目标逻辑分区。
A variable whose value is an empty list or which consists entirely of empty strings has a negative logical value.
Blurring control is a kind of computer digital controlling technology on the basis of blurring set theory, blurring language variable and blurring logical inference.