如果是2D 图形,例如,在求解对象上的压力等 高线可以按z 方向进行投影来形成一个地毯图(carpet plot),或者对y 方向速度等高线沿y 方向的切片进行投影形成一系列的速度轮廓图(例如图2 的等高线和轮廓图) 3. 点击Apply 按钮关闭轮...
... 试验设计DOE 4.地毯图工具(Carpet Plot) 地毯图(Carpet Plot) ...
Beneath the carpet is a mesh of optical fibres that detect and plot movement as pressure bends them, changing the light detected at the carpet's edges.
BBC: 'Magic carpet' can detect or even predict a fall