释义 |
- 光峰:指光信号传输中的最高速率,也可以指光纤通信中的最高速率。
1 ?照明峰荷 ... instantaneous peak 瞬时洪峰 lighting peak 照明峰荷 load peak 负荷尖峰 ...
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Demand is estimated to peak at 55gw, which leaves room for basic energy-saving measures, like using less air-conditioning and lighting, to avert a power crunch with capacity to spare. 在用电高峰期估计需要550亿瓦,这为基本的能源节约方式留有空间,比如更少使用空调和照明,以节余的电量来避免电力危机。 - 2
Oriental peak film company think must self-provided camera, own director, camera, lighting, production personnel, self-provided car, can guarantee the quality of service quality of manufacture. 东方峰影视公司认为必须自备摄像机,自己的导演,摄像,灯光,制作人员,自备车,才能保证服务质量制作质量。 - 3
Over the next decade, it will almost double its energy output from renewable sources, its cities will change much of their lighting to LEDs, and it will aim to peak its emissions in 2030. 在未来十数年,它用可再生资源发的电量几乎要翻倍。 城市里的许多照明灯会改用LED节能灯。 其目标是使其排放量的峰值延迟2030年到来。