释义 |
infrared spectrum 美/ ??nfr??red ?spektr?m / - 红外光谱:指物质在红外辐射下吸收、透射和反射的规律,是一种分析物质结构和性质的方法。
1 ?红外光谱学 ... 红外分光光度计 infra-red spectroradiometer 红外光谱学 infra-red spectrum 红外光谱 infra-red suppression ...
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In the case of Dr Sweeney's fibre laser, the beam will have a wavelength of 1.5 microns, making it part of the infra-red spectrum. 以斯威尼(Sweeney)博士研发的光纤激光器为例,它产生的激光波束波长为1.5微米,这使其成为红外线光谱的一部分。 - 2
Thirdly, analyzing crystal structure and character by X-ray diffraction, infra-red spectrum, Raman spectrum, absorption spectrum and fluorescence spectrum. 再次,通过采用X射线衍射、红外光谱、拉曼光谱、吸收光谱和荧光光谱等方法分析了晶体的结构与性能; - 3
Through measures such as surface contact Angle method and infra-red spectrum, the effects of particle size, particle surface activity, particle shape, etc were studied. 通过对改性产品接触角测量和红外光谱分析,探讨了颗粒粒度、表面性质、晶体结构对填充橡胶性能的影响。