释义 |
industrial economy management 1 [工经]?工业经济管理 ... 产业经济管理学Management Theories of Industrial Economy 工业经济管理Industrial Economy Management 管理会计Managerial Accounting ...
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It becomes more and more important for the role of human resource accounting in management at the age of industrial economy substituted by knowledge economy. 在知识经济时代逐渐取代工业经济时代的现在,人力资源会计在管理中已显得日益重要。 - 2
Alongside with the evolution of agricultural, industrial and knowledge economy, the nature and extension of labor are changing, scientific, management and service laboring all create values. 随着农业社会、工业社会和知识社会的演进,劳动的内涵和外延都有变化,科技劳动、管理劳动和服务劳动都创造价值。 - 3
Trained for knowledge about marketing, product information, industrial economy, public relationship, management techniques development, etc… 受过市场营销、产品知识、产业经济、公共关系、管理技能开发等方面的培训。