释义 |
1 ?平坦地方 ... level 水平;水平线;层 level area 平坦地方 Level bubble 水准气泡 ... 2 ?水平 ... 休憩活动综合大楼 levee 水平;水平线;层 level area 平坦地方 Level bubble ...
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An open, level area marked with appropriate lines, upon which a game, such as tennis, handball, or basketball, is played. 球场水平开阔的地方,划有适当的线,人们在上面打网球、手球或篮球等游戏。 - 2
Sports an open, level area marked with appropriate lines, upon which a game, such as tennis, handball, or basketball, is played. 球场:水平开阔的地方,划有适当的线,人们在上面打网球、手球或篮球等游戏。 - 3
The research indicates that VII level in sensitivity area, say Shilong, has been reduced after GSL open, the reduction in high vibration level area is 6%. 结果表明,广深线准高速铁路开通后,石龙镇敏感地段铁路环境振动冲击指数有所下降,高振感居民下降约6%。