加拿大饮料容器回收协会已经在基尔多南(Kildonan)和阿西尼博因公园(Assiniboine parks)以及三个高尔夫球场推出了新的回收箱,并在社区中心及各种池边也放置了这种垃圾箱。
吉尔多南住宿酒店 ; 基尔多南洛奇饭店
The smartphone and tablet app will form part of efforts to commemorate the Clearances in Strath of Kildonan.
BBC: Gathering data from a graveyard in Kildonan for the app
The gig has been organised by Timespan Museum and Friends of Kildonan Church.
BBC: Rachel Sermanni
Sermanni will perform at historic Kildonan Church, in Sutherland, on 10 August.