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小葛 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The fence in your heart, and then climb, those little ivy leaves adorned among them, like a blade secret under the butterfly rests, dream, can use to describe general pollen. 心有栅栏,然后青藤爬过,那些小秘密点缀其中,像叶片下小憩的蝴蝶,做梦一般,只能用花粉形容。 - 2
Ivy belongs to Araliaceae evergreen vine shrubs, green leaves of the maple leaf as red as a cute little goldfish tail. 常春藤属于五加科常绿藤本灌木,翠绿的叶子就像火红的枫叶一样,是可爱的小金鱼的尾巴。 - 3
The heart has the fence, and ivy climbed, those little secrets which adorn, like leaves the rest of the butterfly, dream, can only use the pollen to describe. 心有栅栏,然后有青藤爬过,那些小秘密点缀其中,像叶片下小憩的蝴蝶,做梦一般,只能用花粉形容。