...m 国际刊号数据系统 International Service Coordination Center国际业务协调中心International Service Coordination Center国际业务协调中心国际业务协调中心 ..
国际业务协调中心国际业务协调中心 international service coordination center 从事国际业务活动的 internationally-active ..
...ISC InterStellar Communications 星际通信 ISCC International Service Coordination Center国际交易和谐中间 ISCCI International Standard Commerical Code for Indexing 国际标准商用索引代码 ..
Should calamity strike, you can use the device to send a distress signal to the GEOS International Emergency Response CoordinationCenter, a search-and-rescue service that will coordinate with local authorities to send help your way.
WSJ: DeLorme inReach SE, a Satellite Gadget for the Civilian | Geek Chic