The ornate Latin signature translates as' Janvan Eyck was here 1434 '.
Janvan der Meer at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland is taking the idea of using bioluminescent bacteria as pollution monitors a step further, by tinkering with their genetics.
瑞士洛桑大学的凡德尔·米尔(Jan van der Meer)认为通过用荧光细菌来监测污染的手段可以通过基因工程而更完善。
As the governor and his officials looked on, Janvan Hoof, a Dutch commander, called in a group of F-16 fighter jets, which swooped over the city of Baghlan, their thunderous afterburners engaged.
当地方长官及其属下抬头张望之际,在荷兰军官简?范霍夫(Jan van Hoof)的呼叫下,一群F-16战机呼啸而至巴格兰城上空。 机群加大油门俯冲直下,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声摄人心魄,令人难忘。