释义 |
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The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of cochlear implants in people over a year old, and they work best in children who have not yet acquired speech. 美国食品和药物管理局已经批准可以为一岁以上的人们植入人工耳蜗,它对尚未学会说话的儿童最有效。 - 2
A spokeswoman for Allergan, which makes implants, sent a statement by E-mail saying that the company supported the drug agency's recommendations. Allergan一位发言人通过电子邮件发布一项声明表示,Allergan公司支持药品局的建议。 - 3
So far, the drug agency said it knew of about 60 cases worldwide, a tiny number compared with the 5 million to 10 million women who have implants. 药品局迄今在全球范围内掌握了六十例病例,然而全球隆胸女性高达五百万到一千万人,与这一庞大数字相比,这组数字显得微乎其微。