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1 ?库里安斯基 约会,库里安斯基 (Kuriansky),,图书,价格比较,图书评论,读后感...
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"Doing this puts you in the same spiritual space and synchronizes your energy," says Kuriansky. “这样做使你们进入同一个心灵空间,同步你们的能量,”库利昂斯基说。 - 2
Kuriansky said one of the impacts she hoped to see from the research would be a rethinking of how people might spend their later years. 库里·安斯基说她希望看到的一个结果是通过这项研究引起人们对如何度过晚年的重新思考。 - 3
"As soon as there's a label, that's a big reason people feel better, they blame themselves less," said Dr. Judy Kuriansky, a New York psychologist and author of "the Complete Idiots Guide to Dating." “只要给出一个解释,并表明这是主要原因。人们会感觉更好,他们也少一些自责,”纽约心理学家和《白痴约会指南》作者Judy Kuriansky博士说。