释义 |
- n.[物化]气溶胶,喷雾器(aerosol 的复数形式)
1 ?气溶胶 气溶胶(Aerosols)是氛围外悬浮的固态可能液态颗粒的总称,PM2.5也包露邪在内。 2 ?气雾剂 ...中耳炎,伴渗出液(Otitis Media with Effusion); 儿童(Child); 糖皮质激素类,外用(Glucocorticoids,Topical); 气雾剂(Aerosols); 摘要: <正>分泌性中耳炎(secretory otitis media,SOM)是小儿常见病、多发病。 3 ?气溶胶吸湿性谱仪 秸秆燃烧烟雾气溶胶的粒径分布和吸湿性,免费工学论文,免费论文网,免费环境科学技术论文 关键词:生物质燃烧;气溶胶;吸湿性;气溶胶吸湿性谱仪 [gap=770]keywords:biomass burning; aerosols; hygroscopicity; htdma 4 ?喷气燃料用烟雾剂 ... 煤油型喷气燃料 kerosenetypejetfuel 喷气燃料注入 propellantinjection 喷气燃料用烟雾剂 Aerosols ; gas propellents for aerosols ...
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These pollutants are called aerosols and they include soot as well as compounds of nitrogen and sulfur and other stuff into the air. 这些污染物被称为气溶胶,它们包括煤烟以及空气中氮、硫和其他物质的混合物。 - 2
This would involve using sulphur or hydrogen sulphide aerosols so that sulphur dioxide would form clouds, which would, in turn, lead to global dimming. 这包括使用硫或硫化氢气溶胶,使二氧化硫形成云层,进而导致全球变暗。 - 3
'Geo-engineering plans to inject stratospheric aerosols or to seed clouds would act to cool the planet, and act to increase the extent of sea ice,' says Rasch. 拉施说:“地球工程计划将平流层的气溶胶注入到云层中,这将起到冷却地球的作用,并增加海冰的范围。”