全民信息计划(IFAP)是由教科文组织执行局于2000年创立,其前身是综合信息 计划和国际信息学计划。
?结合蛋白(Intermediate Filament Associated Protein)
四、IF的结合蛋白 IF的结合蛋白(IFAP)的功能是介导中间纤维交联成束、成网,或交联到质膜或其它骨架成分上,已知的IFAPs约15种,主要有: 丝聚蛋白(flanggrin):使角蛋...
(四)中间纤维结合蛋白 中间纤维结合蛋白(intermediate filament associated protein,IFAP)是一类在结构和功能上与中间纤维有密切联系,但其本身不是中间纤维结构组分的蛋白。
Moreover, the IFAP grant will enable eIFL.net to train librarians in the political and legal framework.
UNESCO: IFAP funded project on libraries and copyright starts
UNESCO's Information for All Programme (IFAP) provides a framework for international co-operation and international and regional partnerships.
The Information Literacy development is one of the priorities of the Strategic Plan of the UNESCO Information for All Programme (IFAP).
UNESCO: Communication and Information