释义 |
1 ?河田正人 ...tone 人物:姫川琴音 作品: 《To Heart》 系列:[C77] Leaf Illustrations HISASHI KAWATA EDITION 作者:kawata_hisashi(河田正人) 搜源不易~ 求采纳~谢谢 悠扬 清越 清脆 婉转 流畅 黄莺出谷,乳燕归巢 饶梁三日不绝, 高山流水, 大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如... 2 ?瀬之本久史 rar224.9?MB [email?protected]@大叔福利社】Senomoto_Hisashi(瀬之本久史).rar222.4?MB [email?protected]@大叔福利社】武内崇③. 3 ?久久 ...我们夜晚无法工作 ? I think the light is very important to our lives, without it, we can not work at night 久久 ? Hisashi Hisashi 上个周末mary灵石照顾了我的孩子 ? Mary, last weekend I was taking care of their children spiritual stone ..
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Yet only one, Hisashi Mori, a vice-president, was dismissed by the board. (He chose to remain as a director.) 奥林巴斯的新总裁高山秀一说道,公司的三名高管牵连其中,执行副总裁森久志经董事会遭解职(他依然作为公司的一名董事)。 - 2
The ruling, backed by 10 judges with 4 against, was announced by the President of the court, Hisashi Owada. 该裁决由10名法官支持,4名法官反对。国际法院院长小和田恒宣布了该决定。