释义 |
喜欢喜欢喜欢 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?物以类聚 ... Long absent,soon forgotten 久别易忘 Like likes like 物以类聚 It is earsier to raise the devil than lay him 请神容易送神难 ...
- 1
Student: I like your leather jacket She likes my leather jacket Any questions or thoughts, just like that one? 我很喜欢你的皮夹克,她喜欢我的皮夹克,还有吗?,像刚才那个就很好? - 2
If you make fun of your little brother for coloring people green in his coloring book, your mother is likely to tell you something like "you like to do it your way and he likes to do it his way." 如果你很开心地把弟弟的填色书中的小人涂成绿色,你的妈妈可能会对你说“你有你喜欢的方式,他有他喜欢的方式”这样的话。 - 3
The + 1 system works more like Likes in Facebook or Diggs in Digg, meaning to say it's a bare bones simple way to show that you like something. 1系统更像是facebook的like或是掘客中的diggs,简单来说它是一个限度展现出你喜欢的东西的方式。