

单词 WWW server
WWW server
  • 简明释义
  • 万维网服务器
  • 网络释义
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    WWW服务器(WWW Server) :安装Web Server软件,用于存贮和管理主页Home Page,提供WWW服务.

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    (3)当这台伺服器(WWW Server)接收到要求,它便会检查自己的电脑中是否有这份文件,如果有的话,伺服器就会将文件送出,这个文件就是HTML档案.

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    WWW伺服器(WWW Server)的俗称,管理著成千上百的超文件,等待著WWW客户上门提出服务需求.

  • 双语例句
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    Next, you need to assign the files to the user and group the web server; this is often the user WWW and group WWW, but it will depend on your system.
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    Compression is handled through an ISAPI filter, which is installed at the WWW Service level and is configured for the entire Web server rather than for specific Web sites.
    通过一个ISAPI过滤器来处理压缩。这个过滤器安装在WWW service级,它是针对整个Web服务器(而不是特定Web站点)配置的。
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    For instance, if a server receives an unauthorized request from a client, the server should respond with an 401 unauthorized response that includes a WWW-Authenticate header as shown in Listing 17.
    比方说,如果服务器从客户机收到未经授权的请求,服务器应该返回包含WWW - authenticate头的401 Unauthorized响应,如清单17所示。




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