On June 29th, the Free Software Foundation unveiled version 3 of the GNU GeneralPubliclicense (GPL).
月 29 日,自由软件基金会抛出了其所谓通用公共许可证 (GPL) 的第 3 版。
For the most part, we were fine. However, we were using FFmpeg with linked libraries, which meant that the GPL was in force instead of the Lesser GeneralPublicLicense (LGPL).
就大部分的情况来说,我们还不错,然而,我们使用了FFmpeg的链接库,这意味着生效的是GPL协议而不是宽松的通用公共许可(Lesser General Public License, LGPL)。
The Linux kernel and most Linux software is released under the GeneralPublicLicense (GPL), which requires the release of the source for all modified codes.
Linux 内核和大多数 Linux 软件的发行都符合通用公共许可 (GPL),该许可需要发行所有经过修改的源代码。