释义 |
一家之主 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?一家之长 head of school一校之长; head of family一家之长 2)break into:to become involved in a new business activity打进,侵占;破门;而入;突然…
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If 106-year-old investor Irving Kahn, head of his own family firm, wants to keep coming to work every day, who's going to stop him? 如果现年106岁的投资者、家族企业的掌门人欧文·卡恩想每天都来上班,谁会阻止他? - 2
In 2003, the head of SK Group, a conglomerate, was convicted of illegal share swaps designed to keep the group in family control. 2003年,SK 集团的首脑为了维持其家族对集团的控制,非法进行股权交换,并因此获罪。 - 3
In its earliest form, genius was concerned with the ability of the head of the family, the paterfamilias, to perpetuate himself. 在其最初的词形当中,天才一词与一种能力有关,即家族首领(男性家长)延续自身的能力。