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缅因州的法律 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - abstract:
1 Mayor [[Neal S. Dow was known as the Napoleon of Temperance]]
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Maine, which was one of the first to approve such a law, in 2004, says it collected nearly four pounds of waste per person last year. 缅因州早在2004年便通过了回收法律,作为最早通过此类法律的州之一,缅因州宣称它去年平均从每个市民手中回收了4磅的废旧电器。 - 2
In Maine, Governor John Baldacci immediately signed the bill into law. 在缅因州,州长John Baldacci立刻签署了法案使其成为法律。 - 3
If the bill became law, New York would follow Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont and Iowa in legalizing gay marriage. 如果该法案得到通过成为法律,纽约州将成为继康涅狄格州、马萨诸塞州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和衣阿华州之后又一个承认同性婚姻合法的州。