释义 |
1 ?管轴线 管轴线 gun line 横轴线 lateral axis; transversal line .. 2
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The camera focuses on a gun recoiling, then pans out to search for the impact point. A white line of smoke arcs above the city and ploughs into a group of houses. 迫击炮弹爆炸的声响回荡在萨拉热窝上方的山上,摄影机镜头聚焦在一门发射时后冲的炮上,然后镜头伸向炮弹击中的地方,一条弧形白线越过城市上空掉落进一片房屋之中。 - 2
No sooner had I swung the barrel of the gun into line with the intruder than the room got very, very cold. So cold, in fact, that I could see my breath in the moonlight streaming through the curtains. 我还没来得上膛瞄准那个人便感觉到房里变得非常冷,冷到在从窗帘透进来的月光中,我都能看到自己呼出来的气,我浑身冰冷。 - 3
These sergeants stay on my back how I stand in the line, how I hold my gun, how I salute, how I walk, everything. 这几位中士纠缠我,指导我该怎样站队列,怎样持枪,怎样敬礼,怎样走,样样都不放过我。