A combination of friend-finder, city guide and competitive bar game, Foursquare lets users “check in” with a cellphone at a bar, restaurant or art gallery.
结合了交友,城市指南和富有竞争力的酒吧游戏 四方会可以让在酒吧,餐厅或美术馆的用户通过手机登记。
As we designed and built Visual Studio 2010, we let this principle guide the product, and I think we've delivered an ide that raises the development experience bar significantly.
我们在设计和构建Visual Studio 2010时,一直遵循着这一原则。我们已经发布的IDE显着地改善了开发的体验。
Thus the cooperation of the moving of needle bar with the swing of guidebar on this machine is further analysed for the preparation of designing new fabrics.