港口中文名:艾塔佩 港口英文名:AITAPE 港口代码:PGATP 港口缩写:AIT 所在国家:PAPUA NEW GUINEA 经纬度:3 ° 3'0"S,141 ° 46'0"E 时差:-10
介绍 中文名:艾塔比 英文名:AITAPE IATA:atp 为艾塔比提供航班起降的机场有: 。 艾塔比与个城市或地区有直飞航班。其中有条国内航线和条国际航线。 约有家航空公司在艾塔比的机场有飞机
It struck at about 08:55 local time (22:55 GMT Tuesday), with an epicentre 19km (11 miles) east of Aitape town.
BBC: Strong earthquake strikes Papua New Guinea
The coastal town of Aitape was devastated in 1998 when a huge earthquake triggered a tsunami that left more than 2, 000 people dead.